VA Beach Blog

Coming straight to you from Virginia Beach, Virginia - Campus Crusade for Christ Summer Project 2006.

name: shane hutchinson
location: virginia beach, va

Friday, June 23, 2006

Up, down...

It's been about 3 weeks now, and it's hard to believe that project is already a third of the way over... Since the last time I updated, we've had one big outreach, a men's conference, and a bunch of training. I'm starting to find that this is a lot more demanding of a schedule than I anticipated, mostly because of the hours I work at the golf course.

The outreach was last Saturday, and we went out to the boardwalk and split into about 10 groups, each with a sign that said, "Who is He?" The goal was to get people curious enough to ask what it was all about. We wanted to ask the question, "Who is Jesus Christ to you?" I had a few really good conversations with some people...

At the men's conference, we did a ton of physical tasks like running, push-ups, and the like (which is where the name for this post comes from). It was an analogy for spiritual warfare, nd was very encouraging - I definately learned a lot.

Other than that, I've been mostly working, praying, spending time with friends, and spending time with the Lord. I'm sorry I don't have more time right now to go in detail about more people and events, but I hope that this can give you a taste of what I'm experiencing. I hope all of you are doing well - please keep me in your prayers and let me know if there's anything I can do for you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you, kid. i really, really love you.


8:18 PM  

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